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Health Community

The LIDA Health community has had a successful year of research bid wins and sub-community creations. The new ECR community led by Sam, Zoe, Tamara and team, have run a series of events this year with external speakers and helpful tools and tricks for grant applications.

The LIDA: Health team presented at the AI UK Fringe event on Connecting data for connected public services. Dr. Ramesh Nadarajah and Chris Gale have been awarded a big driver for complex disease HDRUK fellowship.

Biomedical Data Science Leadership Project

Research published by Dr Marlous Hall in PLOS Medicine received worldwide news coverage, an editorial in the European Heart Journal and was selected for a case study by the HDRUK Impact Communication Team, winners for which receive a professionally written case study of their research, widespread research promotion and contributes to HDRUK's impact reporting. The research of the long-term health outcomes following a heart attack among the 56 million population of England was picked up by 187 news outlets across the world, including in print (Telegraph, Mirror, Express, Herald, Times of India), Online (MSN news, Yahoo!, Independent), TV Broadcast (CBS news in USA) and Radio news bulletins. The HDR UK Impact Committee were “impressed by the study team’s comprehensive and robust approach and commended the level of patient and public involvement and engagement, noting the rare degree of involvement in analysis of this scale.” Read more

Visiting researcher success – from a short visit to a research fellow within a matter of months, Eleanor Booth worked with Dr Marlous Hall (Dec 23 - Feb 24) for a 3 month research visit in LIDA to gain experience in health data research as part of her NHS Graduate Management Training Scheme. The research visit was very successful and led to Eleanor and Marlous working together to develop an NIHR pre-doctoral fellowship to further her training as a future health data analyst and epidemiologist. Eleanor was successful in her fellowship application and will be formally joining LIDA in the new academic year to join Marlous and her team. In collaboration with Theresa Munyombwe and Max Henderson, Eleanor will be developing her epidemiological and statistical skillset and undertaking research which aims to understand the interaction between mental and physical health on long term health outcomes.


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