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John Parry

Clinical Director, TPP

Dr John Parry graduated from the University of Cambridge with a medical degree in 1980. He moved to Yorkshire in 1984 to take a position as a partner of Keighley Health Centre, specialising in oncology and palliative care. He was an early user of TPP’s SystmOne and recognised the benefits clinical IT could bring to the delivery of patient care. As a result, Dr Parry took the role of clinical lead at TPP, directing the clinical aspects of all products throughout the development process. He holds relationships with leading medical representatives around the country to make sure TPP’s company priorities align with those of the wider clinical community. John became a Director in 2007 and now leads a team of expert clinicians, ensuring TPP’s products meet the requirements of health services.

Dr Parry’s expertise as a healthcare specialist is nationally recognised. He is a member of various committees, including the TechUK Health and Social Care board. As a leading clinician, he is frequently invited to give keynote speeches on a wide range of topics, including information governance and the role of IT in patient care.