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Environment Community

The community have continued to thrive this year with their monthly informal community meetings which is open to all researchers, on the first Friday of each month. During this get together the community share relevant (internal and external) news, troubleshoot/ brainstorm ML issues, and generally build the community.

Fortnightly (Thursdays at 3pm) we also hold literature club meetings, where volunteers get to practice presentation skills, and have a chance to talk through papers. This event also helps with identifying potential external speakers on behalf of the community.

The team host frequent hybrid seminars, where we reach out to researchers in the field of scientific machine learning and invite them to present their work to us. Some of our external speakers have included researchers from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts and Delft University of Technology.

The SciML team co-organised a 2024 AIUK fringe event on physics-informed machine learning, attended by about 300 people. We also sent around 12 SciML members to attend the main AIUK conference.



  • Phil won speaker prize at AIUK fringe event
  • Miranda won poster at UKFluids 2023
  • SciML welcomed Donald Cummins to the committee, a new hire in the Centre for Environmental Modelling And Computation (CEMAC), focussed on machine learning.
  • Also Jack has joined the committee too