CDT: Data Analytics & Society
CDT for Data Analytics and Society provides postgraduate research training across the Universities of Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester and Sheffield.
This year has seen the first cohort of our centre complete their projects and graduate. Eugeni Vidal Tortosa, Fran Pontin, Vicki Jenneson and Ryan Urquhart from Leeds and Nikos Patias at Liverpool have all completed in the past year.
Many of our students who have graduated or are close to finishing have also gone on to get jobs, both in academia and outside of academia. Vicki Jenneson, Ryan Urqhart and Fran Pontin are all now working with the CDRC so you will continue to see them around in LIDA, Eugeni Vidal Tortosa and Keiran Suchak are also employed by the University of Leeds in research positions. Other students have gone to the Universities of Liverpool and Cardiff, the Bank of England, OECD, MOD and teacher training.
Our LIDA based student Ridda Ali, had a 3-month enrichment award from the Alan Turing Institute early this year, continuing her PhD work with Mark Gilthorpe on ‘Whole Systems approach to obesity’. Caroline Tait will be undertaking a UKRI policy internship with UKSHA this autumn, and one of our students at Sheffield, Rhiannon Williams will be taking a 10-week break from her PhD to undertake a placement on an ESRC funded award held by Prof. Gwilym Pryce.
A new cohort are starting in October 2022, with two new students starting in LIDA, Juan Fonseca Zamora will be working with Dr Robin Lovelace from ITS and Juliana Novaes with Dr Roger Beecham from the school of Geography. We have a further 12 students who will start across the universities of Liverpool, Manchester and Sheffield. We are looking forward to welcoming them all for their first module in LIDA very soon.