Consumer data applications: Causal research in novel linked datasets

- Date
- Thursday 21 March 2024, 10:30 - 14:30
- Location
- Online (MS Teams)
Online (some in person places available – please contact us direct)
Novel data linkages, such as shopping data and cohort studies, offer great potential to answer important questions about behaviour and health. But do they lend themselves well to Causal Inference? At this workshop, the Turing Causal Inference Interest Group and the Novel Data Linkages for Health and Wellbeing Interest Group come together to talk methods – both linkage and causal inference - and discuss how the two should be best integrated to answer those important research questions.
10:30 - Refreshments
11:00 - Welcome and purpose of the event - Prof Michelle Morris and Dr Peter Tennant
11:15 - Speaker 1 – Dr Georgia Tomova, University of Leeds
‘Challenges and opportunities for causal inference in consumer data’
11:45 - Speaker 2 –Dr Anya Skatova, University of Bristol
‘Insight from linking digital footprint data to cohort studies’
12:15 - Questions
12:30 - Networking lunch
13:30 - Round table discussion – Starting with questions to the speakers from the delegates and then discussion of set questions we collectively agree in advance.
14:30 - Close