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Perceptual reality is not as it seems

Tuesday 23 April 2024, 2 - 3pm
Psychology 2.19

Host: Carlo Campagnoli

Speaker: Fulvio Domini, Professor at Brown University (Dept of Cognitive, Linguistic and Psychological Sciences.)

Abstract: VR and XR technologies are making incredible advances in creating a visual stimulation that closely resemble what is experienced in our daily life. Realistic and high-resolution immersive displays not only have the capability of offering affordable alternative entertainment, but also have important applications with critical societal consequences. However, a common misconception is the idea that a realistic visual simulation of a physical event necessarily leads to a quantitatively accurate perception of that event. In this talk, I will present two case studies in which high-fidelity renderings of static and dynamic scenes yield systematic biases on observers’ perceptual judgements and goal directed actions. Since these biases are predictable by current theories of 3D perception, it may be desirable to utilize this knowledge in order to improve current immersive technology with corrective solutions that are not possible for users operating in the real environment.

Bio: Fulvio Domini completed his Masters in Electrical Engineering and Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology at the University of Trieste, Italy. He is a Professor at Brown University at the department of Cognitive, Linguistic and Psychological Sciences. His research team investigates how the human visual system processes 3D visual information to allow successful interactions with the environment. His approach is to combine computational methods and behavioral studies to understand what are the visual features that establish the mapping between vision and action. His research has been and is currently funded by the National Science Foundation.