Immersive Technologies
This year marked the launch of the new immersive methodologies programme with a community online workshop. Here, participants representing faculties from across the University helped set the priorities for the forthcoming year.
This group identified that a key task to help establish this community was to deliver a monthly seminar series, bringing in external internationally renowned researchers and practitioners.
The seminar series for the academic year 2023-24 will rotate between in-person and virtual to maximise reach and inclusivity - for speakers and our community. Speakers will be drawn from a broad range of disciplines related to immersive methods and applications to facilitate cross-disciplinary conversation and exchange, allowing our members (who come from a wide range of backgrounds) to learn about cutting-edge approaches and allow them to challenge conventional thinking within their own disciplines.
The last 12 months also saw the launch of unique XR facilities, within the HELIX digital learning accelerator. Our in-person seminars will be held in HELIX. The growing LIDA immersive methodologies community will be able to take advantage of the state-of-the-art XR facilities within this new space which includes the UK's largest omnidirectional treadmill through to the ability to deliver classroom-scale Virtual Reality sessions.
We are excited to see how the community makes use of these facilities in the coming year and beyond.